
Dr. Jeong's research areas are design, collaboration and education in/through architectural new media including mixed reality (augmented/virtual reality), large-scale big data analytics technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning for designing and evaluating virtual environments, and etc. 

He has B.S and M.S in Architecture from Seoul National University, M.S in Computer Science and Ph.D. in Architecture with Designated Emphasis in New Media (Berkeley Center for New Media, from University of California at Berkeley. 

Previously, he was leading teams focusing on some emerging technologies such as advanced image/video analytics (for augmented reality), user experience design for business intelligence and physical space, context-awareness based computing, and seamless connectivity on different networks at Samsung SDS. 

Currently, he is working on Design Analytics using Big Data technologies, such as large-scale high performance video analytics in connection with Building Information Modeling (BIM), cloud-based 3D printing, shape and topology optimization for printing organic shapes, and etc.