
[2016] 전문가 초청세미나

▶ 일시: 2016년 8월 6일(토) 10:00-12:00

장소: 세종대학교 광개토관 613호    

Invited Talk 1 (10:00-11:00)
Prof. Si Jung Kim, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA

Title : Dronetainment and Annotating Live Entertainment Projects in ERC at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV)

The seminar will introduce and discuss projects in Dronetainment (Drone + Entertainment) and augmenting live entertainment that are being investigated by the speaker’s entertainment tech. research group at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Within the category of the Dronetainment, the Flying Orchestra, funded by the State of Nevada, that creates an aerial robotic orchestra by coordinating multiple drones will be introduced. As another topic, augmenting live entertainment that syncs and conveys annotated supplemental information over the mobile network called, Scene + Scene, will be introduced as a live demo.

Invited Talk 2 (11:00-12:00)
Prof. Wonsook Lee, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada

Title : Computer Assisted Hip Modeling, Simulation and Visualization

Femoro-Acetabular Impingement (FAI) is a hip joint disease which affects and impairs the range of hip motion during performing activities of daily living, jogging, walking, or climbing stairs due to the bony abnormalities of the joint. We introduce our medical project covering 2D/3D segmentation, modeling, center of rotation and range of motion related to hip shape and function. We discuss how we can use Computer Assisted modeling, simulation and visualization to help medical doctors for pre-operative planning, training, and analysis.

[2016] 콜로키움 개최 - 외국어교육과 가상·증강현실: 현재와 미래

일시: 2016년 10월 25일(화), 15:00-17:40

장소: 광개토관 617호, 무한상상공간(광개토관 1011호)

주최: 세종대학교 아시아태평양 미래개척 창의인재 양성단(CK사업)

           모바일 가상현실 연구센터(ITRC)


[1] 베리타스알파 http://m.veritas-a.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=66330

[2] 이데일리 http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?newsid=02076246612845720&SCD=JG31&DCD=A00703

[3] SBS CNBC http://sbscnbc.sbs.co.kr/read.jsp?pmArticleId=10000832915

[4] 매일경제 http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?no=790995&year=2016

[5] 한국대학신문 http://news.unn.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=166006

[2016] 전문가 초청세미나

▶ 일시: 2016년 11월 15일(화) 10:30-11:30

장소: 세종대학교 군자관 312호    

Prof. Taehyun Rhee (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Title: Perceptually Based Lighting and Rendering for Mixed Reality on HMDs
Image based lighting (IBL) and differential rendering have been used for lighting and composition in live-action films. In visual effects studio, high-resolution high dynamic range (HDR) panoramic images have been used as the light maps providing real world lighting for photo realistic rendering and composition. To provide a seamless mixture between the virtual and real world objects, intensive computation and additional refinement by skillful artists are often required. The seamlessness is the measure of how perceivably apparent the synthetic object in the final composition is, and how indistinguishable it is from the photographed live action scene. Given that the ultimate receiver of final image is the human eye, the seamlessness of final composition is determined by the Human Visual System (HVS). We conducted psychophysical studies to observe and capture the thresholds of the HVS’s ability to perceive illumination inconsistencies between the rendered subject and the photographed scene. Then, image based lighting (IBL) and illumination composition are perceptually optimized to provide real-time solution for mixed reality (MR). Our method has been implemented into commercial game engines Unity/UE4, and provides seamless lighting for MR rendering suitable for modern head mounted displays (HMDs) requires high frame rates. Although HMDs represent an ideal set-up for immersive viewing for VR/MR content, they have a significant downside; people commonly report visual discomfort when using HMDs. The discomfort symptoms include headaches, nausea, dizziness and eyestrain, comparable to the symptoms commonly reported by sufferers of motion sickness. We are studying the cause
of the visual discomfort and developing a perceptually optimized rendering solution to mitigate it. Our initial implementation realized in a commercial game engine shows approximately 30% reduction of visual discomfort on HMDs.

[2017] 범부처 공공기술 이전 로드쇼 

일시: 2017년 11월 23일(목) 2:00-6:00
장소: 세종대학교 컨벤션홀
내용: 대학,공공연 우수기술 전시 및 기술 교류


[1] 교통뉴스 http://m.cartvnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=266106

[2] 중앙일보 http://news.joins.com/article/22143461

특허청 김태만 차장님 전시 참관

▲  김선재 산학협력단장 전시 참관

[2018] 전문가 초청 세미나 

일시: 4월 19일 (목) 5:00-6:00

장소: 세종대 율곡관 201호 계단강의실

    연자: 김상연 교수 (한국기술교육대학교)

    내용: Interaction Technology for Virtual Reality

[2019] 전문가 초청 세미나 

▶ 일시: 7월 23일 (화) 4:00-5:00

▶ 장소: 세종대 모바일 가상현실 연구센터

  연사: 양세정 교수 (연세대학교 의공학과)

  주최: 세종대학교 모바일 가상현실 연구센터

  내용: 의료영상 분석 기법 소개

    의료영상 분석을 통해 개발한 알고리즘들을 소개하고 그 효과를 제시
      1. 피부암 자동판별 시스템 구축 및 임상 진단 효과 검증
      2. 다중 세포 추적 시스템 개발
      3. 협심증 진단 알고리즘 개발

[2019] 전문가 초청 세미나 

Prof. Markus Gross 
스위스 취리히 연방공대 교수, 월트 디즈니 스튜디오 부사장, 디즈니 리서치|스튜디오 소장
(ETH Zurich, Walt Disney Studios, DisneyResearch|Studios)

▲ 모바일 가상현실 연구센터 VR 전시체험

▲ 마법을 창조하는 과학이라는 주제로 강연하는 마르쿠스 그로스(Markus Gross) 교수 

▲ 모바일 가상현실 연구센터 참여교수, 전시참여 학생 단체사진 

해외석학초청강연 관련기사 
[11] 뉴스브라이트 http://newsbrite.net/127854
[14] Science and Technology Office Seoul http://www.stofficeseoul.ch/science-to-create-magic/

해외석학초청강연 및 전시행사 진행 관련기사