Research topics: Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to machine communications (M2M), Semantic M2M, Smart IoT Services, Software Security, Privacy and Reliability.
Standardization activities: oneM2M, TTA PG 308
- IEEE WF-IoT Publicity Chair
- TTA PG 308 (WPAN) Vice Chair
- TPC member of several conferences (e.g., ICC, ICCVE, WF-IoT)
- Journal reviewer (e.g., Computer Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal)
Research topics: Machine to machine communication, Semantic M2M, Abstraction layer, M2M service and resource management, Smart building and Smart city
Standardization activities: participating ETSI TC M2M and oneM2M
Research projects: Campus 21 and Building-as-a-Service (BaaS) EU FP 7 projects
Department of Computing
Thesis topics: SymbexNet-Verifying network protocol implementations using symbolic execution
Involved project: Mobile VCE
Interesting topics: Network protocol testing, VoIP spoofing, Network verification, Network coding, Ad-Hoc networking, Social networking and Network theory
3GPP TSG SA delegate
3GPP TSA SA WG2 delegate
TR 23.893 Multimedia Session Continuity rapporteur
TS 23.237 IMS Service Continuity rapporteur
Main standard areas: System Architecture Evolution, IP Multimedia Subsystem
Develope Mobile Handset Software
Develope IrDA Firmware Software
Design and Implement Mobile Banking System
Internal lecturer on Software Engineering